nie..sekadar cerita pasal kejayaan zie meraih sijil d'PUO kan..tak best lah..biar zie cerita..h0w and what zie experience untuk dapat certificate be exact..that was Comptia A+ get that certificate we need to pass 2 exam..first exam was on the day my m0m and dad boarding to mecca..please imagine how sad i am...before enter the examination lab, we need to fill in a few details and sign and take a picture..this process done one by one person entered the lab and repeat the action..zie antara yg last2 masok sebab kitorang decide masok ikot name list..exam nie about 2 hours..but zie jawab sejam je..sebabnya..zie memang tak pk ape..zie just dok and jawab exam..sampai zie rasa zie dah tak taw nak jawab ape..zie teros submit and kua..
kinda suprise sebab dy tulis "congratulation u pass the exam "..tanye lah kenapa zie terkejot?? sebab zie tak pernah study betul2 soalan2 yg tutor kitorang tu kasi..zie just nyebok2 kat kawan2...zie study gitu2 jela senang cite..and malam before exam..zie boleh tidoq je..xstudy pon..ok..cubaan study..tapi aleh2 tertido..dan teros tido je.. ~.~'' omg..but luckily still can pass the exam...tulah orang kate rezeki.. the second exam lak selang sehari dari first exam..means ada masa lah kitorang nak study lagi..for this zie study..but gitu2 jgk..sebab zie tak taw lah nk study ape..

ouhh..forgot to tell..this exam not just multiple choice question..but include 3-4 simulation question..for paper satu..simulation click and drag aje..but paper 2..mencabar..sebab simulation die umpama kita sedang troublesho0t pc..example question mintak ping pc B..untuk jawab simulation nie.. die akan kuakan interface command prompt utk pc A and pc B...canggih tak canggih lah sistem die..memang kagum..and again.....luckily i pass the exam...ho0rey....alhamdulillah...memang zie rasa i'm worth it..b'cause i've faced a lot of problem before..therefore i'm worth this success...
walaubagaimanapon...zie tak berapa happy sebenarnya lepas pass paper one..sebab kawan2 ppuan zie yang laen ramai fail..ade 2,3 orang yg nyaris2 je nak lulus..sume macam takde kawan nak share happiness..just mase mula2 kua jela..zie hangout dengan dak2 laki yg dah kua lebih awal..and pass the exam..untill zie pass the second exam pon zie tak ase happy..sebab zie je dak ppuan yg bakal dapat certificate tu..but luckily for those yg pass paper 2..boleh reseat paper ade lah sorang lagi kawan ppuan zie yg dapat certificate nie..but still.kitoarng takde pon kecoh2 macam happy ke ape ke sebab dapat certificate nie..m'hormati kawan2 laen yg x pass..dak2 laki jangan cite..majority pass..maklumlah..orang laki kan minat benda2 gini... till then t8care..
kami buddies..kami takkan terpisah..heheh..nie je wajah2 yg join kursus Comptia nie..i mean dak2 ppuan la..